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"The Red Sea Diving Resort" ... when Mossad carried out one of its "largest operations" in Sudan

The name of the movie: "Red Sea Diving Resort". Filming locations: South Africa, Namibia. Director: Israeli Gideon Raf. Showroom year: early 2019.

But it is not any Hollywood movie, but a true story that happened in the eighties of the last century, when the Israeli intelligence agency "Mossad" carried out one of its greatest and daring operations, under the name "Operation Brotherhood" according to their description, to smuggle seven thousand Ethiopian Falasha Jews from Sudan to Israel.
The story started in the village of Arous al-Bahr in Sudan, the place where the Mossad established a base to assign its elements to external missions, under the cover of a European tourist company to practice diving and underwater photography.
The guidebook on the site was talking about details to attract tourists, such as the desert's confluence with the sea, and wreckage of sunken ships to explore.
While it was absent from the booklet that "the site is just a front for a base equipped with customers, devices and equipment, where visits were made to refugee camps in Sudan, and the smuggling of Ethiopian Jews from them inside trucks towards the resort, and from there, across the Red Sea into Israel."

"Even my family didn't know .. "

Shimron, one of the members of the intelligence unit that participated in the operation, went on to say, according to the film's introductory text: “This was one of the secrets of the country that nobody talked about; even my family did not know.”
Shimron has authored several books on the Jews' flash, one of which is titled "Mossad Oxsds", which details the process, and on which the film is based.

According to the book, Israel's decision to smuggle Jews from Eritrea dates back to 1977, during the era of the then Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.

At the time, Ethiopia was witnessing a civil war, and many of the population fled towards Sudan, including Jews. With the arrival of reports in Israel, Mossad began searching for a "smuggling line", especially since the Sudan site is very suitable.

As for the origin of the story, it started when an Italian tourist company set up a resort on the sea coast in 1972, but the difficulty in delivering electricity and some services made them give it up.

Later, almost a decade later, Mossad agents hired the resort as a Swiss company, and signed a three-year investment contract.
"It was very dangerous. "

According to the Haaretz newspaper, the book looked as if it was a narration from the spy world, and Shimron’s long work in intelligence helped, along with his work as a journalist for years, and therefore knew how to write the story.

In an interview with the newspaper, Shimron said about the operation: "It was a life experience. A lot happened."

He added, "We were exposed to gunfire, arrested and interrogated by the Sudanese government (...) The transfer of migrants was very dangerous."
Shimron doesn't remember what happened with him in March 1982, when the Sudan army shot Mossad truck filled with smuggled Jews, thinking that they were human smugglers. This was the last batch of flashes, as Mossad agents managed to get them to shore, and from there, rubber boats carried them to an Israeli naval ship waiting for them in territorial waters. As for the movie, Ruff, the filmmaker, approached Shimron about three years ago, and began discussing with him the details of converting the book into a movie, taking into account the sensitivity of some details that cannot be shown. The movie stars the American actor Chris Evans, along with Michelle Huisman, Halle Bennett and others.


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